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Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group held a Party committee (expanded) meeting 认真学习习近平总书记重要讲话精神 研究部署近期重点

Source: Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group 时间:2023-06-20 11:18 Number of readings:


6月19日,Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group held a Party committee (expanded) meeting,深入学习贯彻习近平总书记在听取陕西省委和省政府工作汇报时的重要讲话精神、习近平总书记在文化传承发展座谈会上的重要讲话精神,Analyze the current development situation of the group,Study and plan the key work in the near future,Mobilize the whole group to base on the new development stage and integrate into the new development pattern,Seize the day and work hard,Strive to promote the high-quality development of enterprises。Hao Junliang, secretary of the Party Committee of the Group company, attended the meeting and made a speech, Gu Feng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group company, director and general manager, presided over the meeting, and members of the Group's leadership team attended the meeting。

Hao Junliang stressed,Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group is an important part of the province's ecological environmental protection cause and the "vanguard" and "main force" to promote the development of environmental protection industry.,要积极践行习近平生态文明思想,Always keep in mind the "great nation",深入学习贯彻习近平总书记来陕考察重要讲话重要指示,Continuous benchmarking and table alignment,Improve work measures,Take the "three years" activity as an opportunity,Keep your eyes on your annual goals,Continue to deepen reform and innovation,Do everything possible to prevent and defuse risks,Strive to build a first-class enterprise,Shaanxi Environmental Protection Group to strive to write a new chapter of the Chinese modernization of Shaanxi。

Focusing on the current key work, Hao Junliang put forward six opinions:一是进一步提高政治站位,深入学习习近平总书记在听取陕西省委和省政府工作汇报时的重要讲话精神,全力推动主题教育走深走实。Create a new atmosphere in learning speech,We have taken on new responsibilities in promoting implementation,Sorting out new ideas in the investigation and research,Show new style in review and rectification,将贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神,As the fundamental follow and action guide to do all the work well,Through the implementation of the "five solid", "five requirements", "five new breakthroughs" and "four efforts" important requirements,Work hard on overall grasp, systematic understanding and integrated promotion,确保始终沿着习近平总书记指引的方向奋勇前进。The second is to carry out the "three years" activities in depth, with a hard work style, go all out and strive to sprint the annual target task。In strict accordance with the provincial Party Committee, the provincial government's decision-making and deployment and the work requirements of the provincial SASAC, through the in-depth implementation of the "three years" activities, grasp the project, promote business, expand the market, improve the ability, change the style of work, adhere to the principle of "the same goal, the task is not reduced, the standard is not reduced", to ensure the smooth completion of the annual target tasks。Correctly understand the current business situation, and constantly enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility to catch up and surpass。Further understand the current situation, seriously analyze their own reasons, and strive to seek opportunities, change crises into opportunities, effectively find the breakthrough of high-quality development, pressure forging ahead, steady management。We will focus on project development and promote reasonable growth of investment。Guanzhong dangerous waste disposal Center rigid landfill site phase I, Shenmu High-tech Zone general industrial solid waste disposal center phase I project to pay close attention to improve the relevant procedures, reverse the work plan, go all out to grasp the progress。Take the favorable opportunity of mid-term evaluation of the 14th Five-Year Plan,Identify their own characteristics and functional positioning,Strengthen strategic and forward-looking layout,According to the idea of "planning a batch, reserving a batch, promoting a batch, and putting into production a batch",Combine industrial direction and policy direction,Precise planning of key projects with supporting, driving, demonstration and leading role。Strive to optimize the business environment, maximize the use of internal resources。Learn from Sanqin, Zhongsheng and other enterprises to formulate scientific business plans and implement comprehensive budget management。Through the formation of a special working group, we will make great efforts to solve all kinds of problems encountered in the listing of Sanqin Environmental Protection Co., LTD., all matters that are not conducive to listing should be prohibited, all matters that have been delayed should be solved, and the whole group will promote the listing of Sanqin。Efforts should be made to improve the ability and style of work, and organs should play a leading and exemplary role。With the goal of creating civilized units, the group headquarters should take the lead in carrying out five-type organ construction activities of "learning, innovation, service, hard work and integrity", and strive to build a first-class cadre team around the 12-word policy of "strong party spirit, high quality, excellent ability and hard style"。Third, comprehensively deepen reform and innovation, and continuously improve the core competitiveness of enterprises。Strengthen the core functions of the Group and improve reform measures in key areas。Pay more attention to the positioning of the Group in serving the province's development strategy, and strive to play a strategic supporting function for the ecological environment protection of large industrial clusters。We will promote market-oriented reform and comprehensively remove institutional obstacles in selecting and employing people。We will implement a differentiated compensation system for senior managers, highlight the ability of those who work more and those who work more, continue to deepen the reform of the "three systems", explore the establishment of employee mobility and regression mechanisms, and consolidate the foundation for attracting talents and gathering talents。Comprehensively strengthen scientific and technological innovation to drive high-quality development of enterprises。Establish the Group's core technology "moat", and constantly enrich the group's high-quality development of new momentum and new advantages。Support research institute companies to take the lead in key technology research and major scientific research achievements in the field of demonstration, simultaneous establishment of disclaimer list, give scientific and technological personnel greater autonomy, make good use of all staff performance appraisal and differentiated salary distribution system, and constantly stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of scientific and technological personnel。Fourth, we worked hard to forestall and defuse major risks and foster a stable environment for development。通过We will continue to defuse debt risks and ensure the security of the capital chain。Accurately identify debt risks, in accordance with the principle of "who borrows, who is responsible", formulate targeted rectification plans, and achieve early detection, early warning and early disposal of tendencies and emerging problems。通过Effectively reduce investment risks and strictly regulate project investment。Focus on the main responsibility and main business, adhere to the priority of efficiency, deep cultivation of areas of expertise, properly handle the relationship between expanding investment and preventing risks, all the preliminary project construction is not completed final acceptance, shall not implement new project investment, and effectively reduce the investment risk to the minimum。通过Actively guard against safety and environmental risks and maintain a good corporate image。坚决贯彻习近平总书记关于Safe production重要论述,强化事前监管和事中问责,对发现的苗头隐患必须及时整改、彻底消除,把工作做在前,把责任压更实,严防各类Safe production事故和环境污染事件。Fifth, deepen the work style and clean state-owned enterprises, and effectively provide a strong guarantee for high-quality development。扎实We will launch special campaigns to improve our work style。Combined with the theme of education, through the combination of their own finding, mutual mention, organization, and mass evaluation, in-depth investigation of prominent problems in the style of work, timely establishment of a list of problems and rectification accounts, targeted rectification measures, and hierarchical classification of rectification。扎实We will promote the construction of clean state-owned enterprises。We will deepen special actions to improve the quality and efficiency of Party building work, continue to correct prominent problems in the "four winds", take intra-party supervision as the leading role, promote internal audit, discipline inspection and supervision, and inspection and supervision to coordinate and form synergy, improve the multidimensional supervision and coordination system, tell the "clean story", and carry forward the culture of integrity。扎实We will comprehensively and strictly govern the Party。Strengthen the education of party rules and discipline, case warning education, important node education, post risk education, and behavior norms education, grasp early and small, prevent small and gradual, implement the "three distinctions", and dare to take responsibility for the responsible person, responsible for the responsible person, and support the officer。Sixth, comprehensively strengthen the building of grass-roots Party organizations and promote the deep integration of party building and operation。全面Strengthen the political construction of the Party。在政治立场、政治方向、政治原则、政治道路上,同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,拥护“两个确立”、增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”。全面Standardization of party branches will be carried out。The Party branch standardization and standardization special promotion action as the current and future period of the key tasks of party building work, closely around the "one year to consolidate the foundation, two years to create characteristics, three years to improve the overall idea, to ensure that by the end of 2024, all Party branches fully meet the standard。全面Deepening Party building leads enterprise culture construction。Organize and carry out the activities of "Corporate culture Construction Year", actively improve the connotation of corporate culture construction of the group, continuously optimize the system of corporate culture construction of the group, further enrich the carrier of activities, carry out the activities of "finding examples around", and constantly stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of the majority of Party members, cadres and staff。Give full play to the role of publicity media, adhere to the "lens close to the grassroots" and "brush line", and fully demonstrate the group's performance and style in serving the province's ecological environment protection strategy。全面We will deepen the integration of party building with production and operation。Give full play to the "two roles" of Party organizations and party members in major tasks, major projects, and major projects, constantly enrich the carrier and activity forms of the "Party building + business" model, and actively create a party building brand with its own characteristics。Consolidate and expand the experience and practices of "revealing the ranking" and "horse racing" led by party members, deepen the activities of party members' responsibility areas, demonstration posts, vanguard, etc., so that each party branch and each party member become the "advance team" and "vanguard" to promote the high-quality development of the group.。

Gu Feng put forward four requirements on implementing the spirit of the meeting:First, change the style of work and implement。It is necessary to carefully compare the annual work tasks to find the gap, check the reasons, and determine the measures, so that everyone has the responsibility and pressure, with the sense of urgency of "can't wait", the sense of crisis of "slow", and the sense of responsibility of "can't sit still", and quickly grasp the deployment and implementation of various work。Second, take the initiative to coordinate。We should give full play to our subjective initiative,Strengthen coordination and cooperation,Build an efficient and smooth work linkage mechanism,Carry out regular communication,Firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess",We will strengthen horizontal coordination and vertical linkage,Promote resource sharing and business collaboration among departments and units,Provide strong support and guarantee for the group's high-quality development。Third, closed-loop management and supervision。It is necessary to resolutely open up the work to implement the "last mile", and form a closed-loop mechanism for the arrangement, deployment, supervision, inspection, assessment and evaluation of the work flow。We should focus on the "three meetings" decision-making matters, strengthen process supervision and key links, conduct regular supervision of various work, timely report the progress of key work, and carry out dynamic supervision of existing problems, so as to supervise and strengthen management and promote operation through assessment。Fourth, we will earnestly implement the law。It is necessary to decompose and compact the work responsibilities one by one, further improve the work ideas of the department and the unit, study and implement specific measures one by one, effectively plan and deploy the work throughout the year, and promote the deployment of the Group Party Committee into pragmatic and effective work ideas, measures and specific actions。

The conference was held by video conference。The responsible comrades of each department of the headquarters of the Group company and the main responsible comrades of each subordinate unit attended the meeting in the main venue;Other members of the leading team of subordinate units attended the meeting in the video sub-venue。(刘飞)

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